Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why not call it Virgin Power?


Victory Paunch

Viscious Pillate

I think we need to speak to jesus about this. I don't know Jesus biblicaly, true I walked in his foot steps ( a few of them literally) and felt a strong kinship for his mother but no, we never really spoke. I'm pretty sure he plays lead guitar and I think lead guitarists are annoying. The only Jesus I know hates (no, deplores) the fact that she has a name like his....Yes. The Jesus I know is a woman (Yeshuah) and she currently lives in Hawaii and we speak every so often. She prefers to be called Hannah and she is a most interesting woman. She can speak hebrew and was given the historic name of Jesus by her father because he was certain she was going to be born a boy (she hung low in her moms belly) the name Jesus translates to Joshua, which becomes Yeshuah which means Salvation. Pretty heavy expectations to lay on a kid if you ask me.

I've asked her to post on this blog and she told me she would rather drink Jack Daniels. She is recently proud of the fact that she has invented a recipe for silencing roosters. I think she is the perfect candiate to answer your question regarding Madonna physics. And I will be asking her shortly.

In my work, yes, Madonna is a force, actually she is singularity. She was the first myth. The first gossip, she is the blood of all living things, why latinos (mostly catholic) will vote for Hillary Clinton in Texas. more to come---

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