Monday, March 24, 2008

Not just any carrot,

you need to seek the island of rebel infants baby carrots.

rebel baby carrots (or, R.B.C's)

often refuse to grow up, namely because

they picture all other vegetables as being stiff, and they refuse to turn spherical things into playthings, and they refuse to take on the shape of the pyramid. This angers most adult carrots beyond belief. Not only that, being punk rock as they are, instead of reaching their full state of pyramid shaped maturity, they have decided to take on the shape and scale of a tampon...coincidence, I think not. Namely that Pyramid worship is something associated with a Patriarchy, the R.B.C.'s have taken the opposite road of worship, namely, liberating female hygiene products.

Seeking political independence from all other vegetables

they have succeeded in creating an independent island unto themselves

where only youth is worshipped

It's like lord of the flies, but only with a cast of friendly, kibbitznik, rbcs

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