Sunday, March 9, 2008

that purple potato thinks he is very special and important
but the problem is that there is nothing in this world to prove it
it has to do everything with all the other potatos
(getting boiled, being packed, having no personal life, yada yada yada)
so i guess that potato decided if it tried hard enough to be different from the other potatos
it would prove that is was indeed a "gifted" potato
in my observations
that potato wants to be important, so it views being depressed as a path leading towards that
but when it discovers that being depressed doesn't make him anymore noticed
it gets even more depressed
(all the other potatos are too busy wrapped up in there own lives)
do potatos have psychologists?

actually, it was the purple part that facinated me
purple has been sneaking it's way into my life nowadays
i don't know why
i never especially liked purple(it was always next to pink...hollywood colors)
but recently i've noticed that people are wrong about the color of the sky
it's either purple or gray
really it's true!!
i am as sure as chicken little when he said the sky is falling

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