Monday, September 29, 2008

I am now secretly afraid of bookstores.
Last time I went to find wicked,
the salespeople gave me a empty smile and said," sorry, we're sold out."
they then told me that the other store in sogo probably had it.
I got off the station and discovered two sogos at the same place.
Why would the sogo people do that?
Why would the bookstore people do that?
Nevertheless I went in one of the sogos atempting to try my luck.
The officer in the front said that I couldn't go in, they were closing.
I stood there not knowing what to do, and then I saw the officer let a lady with a gucci hadbag go in.
I decided that I am tired of bookstores now.
What ever happened to warm and inviting bookstores with a personality?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

if you cant find bukowski in taiwan
I will send it.
I gave my last copy I had in taiwan
to a friend who was leaving taiwan to
chase the ghost of his x wife in estonia
he came back to taiwan four months later
and to be honest
I wanted the book back
he is now in s. korea.

if i can say this
I never looked at writing again after reading him
and i think it had something to do
with my friends failed attempts of settling in estonia
fare enough...
ive read wicked twice now
but i would rather send you "love is a dog from hell"
should I try him out
or is he sold out all the time like wicked?
who's he?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I told you!


His soul is about puking over trash cans and looking a blue-eyed birdies.
You can't judge a soul just because it pukes over a trash can.
All of us puke in a trash can one time or another. We just don't physically do it.
Our soul, it does all the dirty work for us. We just hide all the true things behind humanly self. In truth, we all wish do be extraordinary, to write great works of art or produce masterpieces for the world to remember us by. The ones that do end up getting remembered are the ones that let themselves puke over trash cans, laugh at themselves, or are just plain crazy.

Imagine charles bukowski having to teach his own works. He probably would become a John Nash.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

charles bukowski taught poetry

hung over, paid to speak, some of his best work is about puking in
trashcans on college campuses
and staring at young birdies with blue eyes

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poetry class was interesting. I felt uncomfortable with someone setting up a "poetry" class. To me, poetry is sacred, poetry is soul. For someone to take poetry classes is like someone amputating up a soul. Maybe I'm just too sensitive.
The poetry was professor was understanding. I think he is a poetic soul.

Friday, September 19, 2008

tostada salads and the jews

Lettys mexican restuarant used to be a real mexican restuarant
the kind that mexicans would go to
so it seemed fitting that I would meet rockstar ray from the bangkok five
at lettys, since his last name is blanco, which means "white"
I got their early, ordered, at sat across a booth of bloated office ladies
talking about the upcoming jewish holidays.

when ray walked in they all stopped talking
apparantly rock stars are not supposed to come out during daylight hours
to eat mexican food which was disappointing;
having been away for five years this place has changed, where are the mexicans eating, I want to know, "this place got healthy, no flavor, no grease, dry, sorry, I didnt know" I said.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

magical mormon underwear?!?!

how could they keep such important information away from us!!

*howling in despair and pain...*

i can't believe that i lived 18 years without knowing about magical mormon underwear

i feel devastated about not knowing

it's just the opposite from sarah palin. I was curious about her and youtubed her. I wish I hadn't done such a thing. she's just like the chinese isn't she? have your babies early and then destroy the world latter.

back to magical mormon underwear...

what does it do?
is it like chocolate and oysters?
does it suddenly boost your sex appeal? cause don't mormons have like four wives or something? wait, or was that Arabian sugar daddies?

maybe it was both.

or is it like skinny pants and thongs?
they look awful good but do awfully bad?

I'm betting on the oyster theory. Mormons seem to care more about performance than looks.

but I'm not one to judge, I never knew any mormons. I knew a couple of jews once though. They were... very Jewish...

Monday, September 15, 2008



Mormons worship the angel Moroni

so they should be called morons

If you see them, you should ask them about the magic underwear

you dont know about magical mormon underwear?

what did they teach you in high school?

I guess I could send your bf a pair for x-mass

no wait...its unisex so I could send you both pairs.
mormons once came to my house

I think that was when I was in elementry school...

I never understood why they had wear helmets while bike riding, from the pace they rode their bikes, slugs had enough time to slug away before they ran over them.

They stood outside our door and wouldn't come in until daddy came home. They knew we spoke English but insisted on converting us in Chinese. I didn't really understand their Chinese. I ate clams and dozed off to their monotonous preaching.

After they had finished converting us, they wanted to come again. Daddy smiled a tight smile and told them that he thought they better not. They gave Daddy a look that said that he thought we would all go to hell.

Imagine what Daddy would say if I ran off with the mormons? Did mormons have anything to do with the word moron appearing in the English language?

The Osmond family were mormons weren't they?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

better yet...

become a mormon

then you can enter lots of peoples houses

you could explain to your parents that

you are working very hard on a very difficult

yet promising young man you think is on the verge of

joining you on your mormon crusaude

and that you need to spend extended hours at his hours five days a week...

you also get to ride a bike everywhere you please

and if your parents question your

biking and entering

you can sum it up with the one answer

that has plagued and escaped rational thinking for thousands of years

"Im doing it for the lord."

scary...if you showed up in Santa Monica dressed as a mormon

i think i would convert
Thank god

I am living in the dorms
a place where six girls spend their uni lives in

our beds are all coded and I number three
the girl in number four just happens to be from Tainan too
lucky me
she has short cropped hair and is a tom-boy

I plan to go back to Tainan secretly and spend my weekends with him.

I believe I am going to get caught sooner not later
so from my understanding of myself, I'll probably chicken out in the end and contact my parents in the end

I have a friend from the tooth fairy association.
He plans to have a cuppa with me and tell me all about them

Friday, September 12, 2008


your plight is easily solved

get married in kenting

i take it your the oldest sib

so it goes without saying that your younger spring-a-lings

will have it alot easier

i take it your living at home while going to univ?

and do you have a moto for your mojo?

you gotta incognito your libido

go underground...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kenting you say?

I've already considered Kenting. I went over to his house for half the day (under adult supervision) and my parents went beserk... They think that this is something that I am allowed to do when I am considering marriage.

What to do? What to doooo?

My parents believe that they are very open-minded but in fact are very conservative.

Sometimes I feel as if a am writing a Dear Ann type of letter = =

I am one of those people that used to read Dear Ann letters for a laugh.

Why oh why do parents have to be so complicated?? Is it something in the genes? Is there something in our bodies that makes us unwilling to let offspring spring?


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i thought we talked about this
the real reason why parents sent their offspring to tk
funny phrase that one...guess it matters just how far "off" you intend on springing.
they are not gonna change
and you are an adult
wait for spring; when you want to go with the guy to kenting for three days
ha! your battles lay ahead
I am just starting university but I think I am just facing problems that TEENAGERS are suppose to be facing.

The world is ironic. I always thought that after starting a relationship with a guy the problems would be between the GUY and ME.

But nooooo

The problems turn out to be between the overprotective parents and the not homebody enough me.
They think that I am spending too much time outside. The problem is that they don't realize that I spend chunks of my time staring into space and sleeping at home.
Life is full of problems, I think I'll go read about the probelms of tooth faries.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

anything by the writer would do, he thinks like you...i think
he has a new book out about the secret lives of tooth fairies

korean chicken kicking(TKD) is definitely hot, especially with girls.
I made red belt but I succumbed to peer pressure to
play football my first year of H.S., thus ending my korean kicking career

my father was a black belt...
he was also 6 feet six inches
and a marine...
he could definitely speak with his face....

my ankle is the bane of my existence, except with the x-ray girls
in the doctors office, they were fun. although they took extra x-rays b/c
they forgot to cover my genitals with a x-ray shield,
which probably means I'm sterile now
ohh well, children are over rated bumper stickers of pride and piss;
never liked the tikes; maybe that changes once they are yours..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Did you break your ankle during a vigorous basketball section? I don't understand how boys can be attracted to a sport that involes elbowing and bad sportsmanship and constantly breaking various bones in your body. I guess the same goes with guys not understanding how girls can be attracted to... tai kown do? Anyway... I am. And when I tell people, they give me the kind of look that says "your crazy i don't believe you you're probably just a white belt pretending to be very good at it". Then, I give them a look that says "be nice or I'll kick you".

To tell the truth, I never knew that face expressions could tell so much.

I'll go see how I can get my hands on elphaba, she sold out already at the bookstore I went to.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

she is not a witch
her name is elphaba
i think
cant remember
I can not walk for two weeks
doctors orders
broke my ankle
so Im reading all day
passing out every three hours
waking up...reading passing out
actually I think the 24 hours thing
is over rated, everything worthwhile
should be done in intervals of three hours
its permanent conciousness, never sleeping, never awake
or maybe it works only in los angeles, where the weather never changes
it could be anyday, anytime, all the time?
did i mention I have a wooden cane?
it has a compass on the end of it, so when I walk I can tell
if Im heading south or north, or nowhere...
Do you mean the book about the wicked witch of the west?