Tuesday, September 16, 2008

magical mormon underwear?!?!

how could they keep such important information away from us!!

*howling in despair and pain...*

i can't believe that i lived 18 years without knowing about magical mormon underwear

i feel devastated about not knowing

it's just the opposite from sarah palin. I was curious about her and youtubed her. I wish I hadn't done such a thing. she's just like the chinese isn't she? have your babies early and then destroy the world latter.

back to magical mormon underwear...

what does it do?
is it like chocolate and oysters?
does it suddenly boost your sex appeal? cause don't mormons have like four wives or something? wait, or was that Arabian sugar daddies?

maybe it was both.

or is it like skinny pants and thongs?
they look awful good but do awfully bad?

I'm betting on the oyster theory. Mormons seem to care more about performance than looks.

but I'm not one to judge, I never knew any mormons. I knew a couple of jews once though. They were... very Jewish...

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