Saturday, May 30, 2009

he had a bumper sticker that read

jesus saves
the bongwan spends

he didnt beileve in it though

he didnt believe in anything
he claims to have stopped dreaming rather abruptly at
the age of 7
he went to harvard
and now he teaches about witch craft and magic
to community college kids in the valley
he liked to strip clubs
and if you took night classes with him
as i did, he liked to end early and go to bars

the bongwan claims that the day some
german philosopher said the words "god is dead"
the word fuck took over
and never really left

Monday, May 25, 2009

cults usually involve stagnation
and frustrated guitar players...hmmm
shoe half fits is still a shoe
david K. frustrated guitar player
charles m. wanted to play drums for the beach boys
hitler...wanted to be a painter, was rejected by art school

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Perhaps you should
open a cult

and preach

travel the world on mule

feed it cucumbers

live the life that everybody wished they had

Friday, May 22, 2009

i tried this in a conversational class for S106
and i sold it
we watched a science documentary
the Mayan calender
the asteroid
I went over vocab
we compared their ambitions before
the notion the world would end in 2012
against the evidence it would,
tied it into the apparent meaningless of High School
were off and running
i think i was on the verge of starting a cult,
a good time to leave

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

is it a russian scar
american scar

russians nurture their scars like children
americans brandish them like war stories
the british create them to have them
the singer seal claims to have awoken with them
hells angels (the bikers) have havens of prostitutes
scattered across the United States
where supposedly the most scared she is the more pure...
refusing the advances of a biker gets you scared
africans scar their women with coke bottles

scarring seems to have girly implications
I was scarred with a beer bottle in tainan
yet in honest defense of the most sensitive flaws man kind has known;
the fragile nature of masculinity...
I can say it took a dozen of them to do it

Monday, May 11, 2009

so why do we grow them then?
to swallow the pain and let it in?
it also tears and re-opens itself more easily, operating more like a mouth with every infliction

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Scar tissue has no character. It's not like skin. It doesn't show age or illness or pallor or tan. It has no pores, no hair, no wrinkles. It's like a slip cover. It shields and disguises what's beneath. That's why we grow it; we have something to hide.
- Girl, Interrupted

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

if you are going to lecture about magical realism
and the french revolution than damn well expect
us to write about it
and if you cave suddenly
telling us that you are going to tow the line
with the head of the english dept;
and not let us write about the jacobins
spanish colonialism
and Estaben from 100 years of solitude
as being nothing more than dilluted wreck
tied to a tree and speaking the latin only the town
priest can understand
then ya
Im gonna open my paper with a quote
from the movie ghost busters
"when some one asks you if your a say yes!"
I'll even throw in Tom Robbins damn you
I hate having 2000 pages of literature in my head
developing a sharpened knive to walk you through
only to have it fail me
thats so beowulf fucker

Monday, May 4, 2009

peaches to the right for you
wow you were brave

what happens now is that there are girls so experienced in seducing guys
they know exactly what to say, how to say it, when to say
they are so slick and polished in this stubble game teasing
there is an air about them
boys really are their toys
something convenient to have around

then there are the idiots
ones that wear sneakers instead of high heels
all they know of boys is that there is boys

Sunday, May 3, 2009

it was in the lunch line

she called me the night before and told me
she was lying on satin sheets in her bed room
i heard laughter in the back ground

the next day i said hello to her in the lunch line
i tried to look as non chalant as possible
reaching probing in the ice box for
a strawberry icecream sandwhich
my palm was glowing, clinching the sandwhich
as fumes of dry ice like smoke hovered in my palm
i was sweating
she sheilded her eyes from meeting mine
and I heard her girlfriends laughing behind her

i had big ambitions,a 7th grader wasnt supposed to talk to
an eighth grader, especially not one with satin sheets
the next week i asked her to the eighth grade dance
soundly put, I was rejected

Friday, May 1, 2009

how many times do you have to say go away before a person really goes away?

I am a stubborn person. This is what I have learned recently. Oh, and I hate clingy people.

Go away, go leave me alone I said to a friend that was getting too clingy and possessive. He looked at me with a forelorn look and inched closer, Look I! let me explain!

As he tried to follow me around, I gave him a frosty stare at him and ran.
I never had anyone chase after me like that.
It's very unsettling.

We are learning things we shoud've learned in junior high.

Guys are so annoying.