Tuesday, September 9, 2008

anything by the writer would do, he thinks like you...i think
he has a new book out about the secret lives of tooth fairies

korean chicken kicking(TKD) is definitely hot, especially with girls.
I made red belt but I succumbed to peer pressure to
play football my first year of H.S., thus ending my korean kicking career

my father was a black belt...
he was also 6 feet six inches
and a marine...
he could definitely speak with his face....

my ankle is the bane of my existence, except with the x-ray girls
in the doctors office, they were fun. although they took extra x-rays b/c
they forgot to cover my genitals with a x-ray shield,
which probably means I'm sterile now
ohh well, children are over rated bumper stickers of pride and piss;
never liked the tikes; maybe that changes once they are yours..

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