Monday, April 7, 2008

Why does the international world care so much for Tibet, but not Taiwan?

I think first,

China is more prominent in the world than Taiwan. The problem with Tibet began in the 1950's, as the problem in Taiwan also began the same time. The only reason: The Dali Lama has fame for wanting peace with communists. Actually I don't know what is wrong with Taiwan. So can you tell me your opinion?

Foreigners think Taiwanese are smart enough to solve their own problems?

No no no this is not a good reason.

John is so stupid, but Taiwanese are even dumber

(she's thinking really hard and she doesn't want anyone to know who she is.

"Perhaps, this is the order for the world to know who you are, you need to know first. Do Taiwanese have a treu indentity?"

The Dali Lama is a respected spiritual leader with books printted all over the world. He is a man of compassion, who can express his love for not just the people in Tibet, but of universal love for all." He is a spirit father to those in Tibet.

But Taiwanese are good with technology...computers...Taiwan has the most computer savvy city in the world. Taipie is a thousand years ahead of cities in the United States when it comes to why is no one listening?

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