Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is a mock acceptance...purely a test.
Hence the DBMT
Death by Marsh mellows Test
It seems you've passed. However
It will be months of incessant marsh mellows until they have fattened you up
...this has been a prophecy of theirs from the beginning of time. That a day will come, when a young prophet carrot would come to them and free them from the island of the all knowing coconut scented tampon queen. It's difficult to be yourself when mother knows all. isn't it? For year the rbcs have talked in quiet circles of a messiah...Of course...others have come and tried before, but they couldn't over throw the holy tampon.
They were crushed by the queen and sacrificed via exile with the other black rebel baby carrots, boiling in a Dante like inferno of Asiatic crab grass and fondue for eternity.

Marsh mellows and cheese are both products of decomposing animal fats. Marsh mellows have a way of seeking out vulnerable Rbcs...breaking them down, weeding out the weak. However that was not the case with you. You've devoured countless marsh mellows,
however, the rbcs, smart in recognising the fledgling makings of a messiah, they have tested you and well, you've seemed to pass...your now an rbm
rebel baby messiah...or are you?

Are you the Black Rebel Baby Carrot who has come to save us all from the cure
that is the cancer?

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