Thursday, April 1, 2010


the balcony was caged in by wooden bars
thick sturdy bars that had age spots on them
set just so that she felt she could squeeze her head through
but found she couldn't when she tried

they had just finished watching Scent of a Woman and they tango scene was still dancing in her head

her hands were gripping the bars and she turned back and asked him

why did you ever go into medical school?

cause it seemed important
he recited that line off with an easy drawl
he was used to getting this question

he was leaning on the wall with his head bent and hands in his pockets

he raised his head and suddenly said

people don't understand what i see
they don't understand what i understand

what are you looking for then?
she was testing him
seeing if he had any shit in him

i want a new definition of humanity

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