Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"500 days of summer, have you heard of it?" I looked at him, desperate for a starter, it was so awkward meeting him again as friends, or maybe we were meeting as X boy/girl friends.

"Yeah, I’ve noticed the movie. One believes in love, the other doesn’t." He looked into me, searching for the wisps of happiness that used to be there before every time I was with him. He wasn’t used to me being melancholy, well, maybe he got used to my emotional ripples during the end of our relationship, but still, he didn’t see the break-up coming. I sort of slammed it into him face.

"You believe in love." I did that a lot. I disguised questions as facts when I knew the person had believed in what and what before. But people change. So I was half questioning, I should have said do you still believe in love or something but that wasn’t how I worked. I like assumptions, just as long as they aren’t made on me.

"Do you?" He didn’t want to see a stranger. He still wanted me to be the person he had loved, or maybe still loves.

"No. Love is overrated."

"You believed in love. You used to hold on to me and ask what would you do if I left you first. You used to wonder how would you go on without me. You believed in love." He was accusing me. He was accusing me of abandoning him, wasn’t he supposed to be the one that should have left first?

"Maybe I still do, I still believe in love, just that its not for me. I shouldn’t do love." I had thought about this problem recently. Or maybe I was jumbling romance with love. Anyway, romance turns into habits and then habits turn into something that ties you down. I think it’s the surprise element. People are shallow. Everything that orbits around us are just toys to make our stay in this dimension more worth while, or at least to make us feel more worth while. How many toys would you really like if there was nobody to take it away from you? My favorite teddy was the one I stole from my sister, and I still go to sleep with him.

"Yes, you still believe in love."

I looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"You just love yourself."

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