Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I live in the dorms. We don't have the chance to drink stale coffee together. He'd be too busy playing CS even if we had the chance to drink stale coffee together.

From the student's recreation room in the dorms.
That's where the stale coffee came from.
Somebody made too much... I think
Maybe it was the military officer. Remember? We used to have those military officers in high school. They're here too in uinversity.

Speaking of military officers...
A girl, let's call her Jane, stole a military officer's tiramisu.
Poor poor Jane
She could've stolen anybody's anything and got away with it.
Jane must've wanted a life on the edge.
The military officer started pasting moniter pictures of Jane taking the tiramisu.
Now, Jane isn't Jane anymore, she's known as "the girl who took the tiramisu".

I wonder how she feels?

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