Saturday, May 3, 2008

I've being thinking about this too

measuring time is strange...the koreans have a word for the longest duration of time in the world.
like we say year...and you think one year. you know its lengths and how long it takes. in korean there is a word which tells a story about a magic water fairy who springs out of the ocean every 1000 years or so and flies up to touch the sky, in doing so she always accidentally scrapes her fairy wings along the top of highest mountain in korea on her journey towards the sky. The time it will take for her to scrape the mountain, little by little, every thousand years, until the mountain disappears into the ocean, that's how long this word is.

we could surely think of better ways of measuring time instead of using birthdays

I just found out that it takes exactly 412.3 licks to get to the center of a "totsie pop" we could measure lengths of time this way

I knew a guy who measured his walking distance from point a to point b by how much beer he drank while walking towards his destination. "It's five beers away."

driving home my thoughts went like this

"Why does the guy with the motorcycle with all that white smoke feel he should be at the front of the motorcycle line waiting for the red light to change? Does he know he's filling my lungs with mercury and lead?"

I always think I'm this close to saying something to him, even giving him money to fix his motorcycle even, because his pants are covered in paint and I can tell he doesn't care if the sunlight changes the color of his skin. He is probably poor, and I keep my mouth shut

Then I think about Taiwan. I think it's a silly place, runs on silly juice.
My second thought reads like this, "Taiwan is a country of children."

And that is good and bad. They are curious...Good. They are immature and expect the government to raise they're children, teach them how to drive ect. Bad... yet I'm the one in my thirties with an electric guitar on my back and a pair black drum sticks sticking out the bag. Silly country, silly thoughts, I hate the foreigners who take themselves too seriously here...why?

Well, back to age...According to the bible, your not even human until you are eighteen which if I read right...that means you have another year...the word "neshema" means "soul" and according to the bible you don't even have one yet...another year I'm without a soul, how can you be human and contemplate such things?...ohh right...the bible is full of things like that...your right...lets put that book down for a nap

well...can you simultaneously be entering adulthood and menopause at the same time? hmmm...
well...only if your fed up on your current state of being...I recommend watching the film "Dead poets Society," and then getting back to me regarding this question. The one things science hasn't figured out is entropy and we are victims of it...get used to it...laugh and make laugh lines...
happy birthday who ever you are...17...god...your like a half life to me..

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