Friday, March 28, 2008

It seems you have spoken directly to an rbc
as you seem to have knowledge I'm not aware of...
being elderly has its down side.

If I approach a rbc and try to be hip, hang out, "keep it real"
they immediately think I'm an undercover cop and scatter like wild dogs
covering they're traces with red wine vinegar.

however, I'm quiet informed about the nature of the sacred coconut tree.
in my youth I would vacation there on the rbc's holiest of holy nights
when the moon turned blue and spoke the truth to all adorned with coconut hats
Some believe it is the voice of the supreme mother tampon herself who speaks to all

She told me I shouldn't bother getting car insurance or bother learning to tie a tie

Soon you should confront the holy T. For yourself and see what she says to you.

I warn punk rock as the rbc's may seem. They are deftly afraid of the sight of blood.
hence the's even been said that some rbcs are in fact bloodless...possible, seeing how coconut milk can substitute for blood plasma.

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