Monday, March 29, 2010

"jumping off buildings is alot like this"

she said...

she threw a pair of shoes into the sunlight

they caught on a telephone wire,

sending a wriggly wave throught the line

he squinted to the point of bearing teeth

as he tried watching them dance on the line

in and out of bright white light

so early

already hot

"when you see a child jump from a fence,

or a high ledge

theres always that one

who kinda inches off the ledge

thats the one...

keep your eye on that one."

we piled into her van and smoked hash from a coke can


already, coming from the big hotels up near the pier

was the morning smell of eggs, french toast, those big hotels

in the early summer heat, just coming hours after the sunrise

on the eve before tourist season

blowing towards venice

mara vista

towards the homes of those cooking

for tourists

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