Monday, June 9, 2008

red is always trying to sell you something.
Red is a salesman
definitely an extrovert
it says..."I wanna go fast!"

yellow has a split personality
prone to mood swings...or is it...moon swings?

if you own a green car apparently you are the happiest drivers in the world
but I can only think of one person who I know who drives a green car and she is not happy
in fact she bought the car used and cheap and i don't think she cares for color
stay away from people who buy black cars, they are controlling
but white is for people who cant make there minds and "just want to blend in"

that leaves us with blue...the miss understood step child of the color kingdom
we are wired for blue. its the fastest color but it's easily destroyed, hence sunsets which are the best part of any day, but it is associated with sadness, melancholy, lethargic grey weather and deserves more credit than this. of course this sacrifice that blue makes everyday when the sun goes down still goes largely unnoticed.

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