Monday, April 14, 2008

If I had three wishes...

"First I want to have money. Becuase I can do anything I want, like travel all over the world, see different cultures, becuase I can not be limited to this small island and broaden my horizens.

Secondly, I want to master hip hop. Because I want to be groovy...excercise my body to being healthy, saying goodbye to horrible disease and terrible viruses. I will say "YO Yo Yo! get out off my body!"

Thirdly, I wish that all my wishes come true...HAHAHAHAHA Yes, it's a great wish, without reasons...everyone wants this

"I don't."

You don't? So what's your three wishes?



I wish I could take back last go back in time...not play any dodgeball ever again!

"Do you think dodgeball is a dangerous game?"

When you play with a three hundred pound gorilla named John...YES!
It is very dangerous!

Secondly, I want a tv remote that can do anything...Like make Wang Zu Ren shut up with the push of a button.

Thirdly, I want to go to the mirror and see me myself thirty years from now.

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